Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Here!!!

excited giler arrr,dpt blaja wat blog ni....hope dpt mewarnai blogspot ni...
kte blaja pown dgn ma closest cousin in da world,habis basah baju sbb dgr dier berceloteh
dr pkul 9 mlm smpai dier nk balik umah....!!!
first thing nk wat blog ni pown utk luahkan isi ati jer....kire mcm diari la gak!!!
kongsi citer best la....if ade!!!lepas kan geram pn mesti best kan???!!sape la orang
bertuah yg kene hentam tuh dlm blog ni...huhu hope x de la....

Friends are like colour pencils,they colour our live......
I may not be your favourite colour,but hope that
you will need me
some where to complete your pictures!